BC French Debating Championships
Dear Participants, Judges, Volunteers, and Coaches,
​The DSABC is pleased to invite you to attend the BC Provincial
French Debating Championships!
Event Information:
Host Platform: Zoom Video Conferencing
Event Date: After School Hours, Tuesday, April 12th and Wednesday, April 13th, 2022
The top teams from this tournament will advance to the Canadian National French Debating Championships tentatively set for May 6th - 7th, 2022.
Fees (Non-refundable):
Competitors: $10/per team
Payment can be made: [Not Yet Available]
Payments must be made online by the Stage 2 Registration deadline. Any schools failing to make payment by this time will forfeit their position to the next participant on the waitlist.
Important Dates:
Stage 1 - Team Number Requests - Open until Friday, April 1st
Request the number of team spots for your school
These numbers will be confirmed via email, after which any waitlist spots will be allocated
Schools may start by registering up to 6 teams - with a waitlist available for additional participants
Stage 1 registration is now closed.
​Stage 2 - Names of Teams and Judges - Will open Wednesday, March 30th
Open until the end of day on Thursday, April 7th
Payment must be submitted by the Stage 2 deadline.
DSABC membership must be renewed and 2021-22 dues paid in order to participate in Stage 2 Registration
Tournament Format:
This tournament is open to students in grades 6 to 12. There will be separate junior awards at this tournament for students in grades 9 and under; however, the junior and senior categories will not be separated for the debate rounds.
All debates will take place entirely in French. Students are permitted to use a simple physical French-English dictionary. Online dictionaries, translating services, bescherelles, etc. may not be used during the prep time for impromptu debates or during any debates.
All debates will take place in the Canadian National Debating Format with 6-minute speaking time for constructive speeches with 3-minutes for replies delivered by the 1st speaker of each team.
The first two rounds will be prepared and teams will debate both sides of the motion. Rounds three and four will be impromptu with 30-minutes prep time.
Prepared Motion:
Cette assemblée imposerait des taxes sévères aux entreprises pour leur utilisation de l'automatisation.
This house would impose severe taxes on companies for their use of automation.
Online Event Information:
The Zoom Meeting will be password protected for the security of all participants. Screen-sharing will be disabled at all times. Any individual found in the Zoom Meeting who is not registered as part of a school delegation or as an external observer will be removed from the meeting immediately and without warning.
All participants (and judges) must have access to a computer with a working microphone and camera for the duration of the tournament. A full technical guide will be released after Stage 1 Registration.
Judging Expectations:
Schools must provide one judge per team for the duration of the tournament.​ Schools that are unable to provide enough judges for all of their teams may apply for part of their requirement to be waived by emailing annasaint394@gmail.com.
​High school students cannot be used as judges for this event.
Teams that do not supply a judge may be disqualified from the tournament.
Judges must be fluent in French and comfortable with following fast-paced speeches using moderate to high-level vocabulary.​
Chaperone Policy:
All students are required to have a school-approved "chaperone" online at all times.
The DSABC accepts no liability for any student left unsupervised at any DSABC-sponsored event, whether online or in-person.
A chaperone can be a coach, teacher sponsor, or parent/guardian who is authorized by their child’s school and is willing to take on all chaperone-related responsibilities.
Senior students are not considered chaperones.
All adults acting as chaperones are expected to uphold the DSABC Code of Ethics.

Online Registration in Main Zoom Room
Debater and Judge Briefings (mandatory for all judges)
Round 1
Dinner Break
Round 2
Online Registration in Main Zoom Room
Judges’ Briefing (mandatory for new judges)
Topic & Pairings released to debaters
Round 3
Dinner Break
Topic & Pairings released to debaters
Round 4
Awards Ceremony